Tehran to Kashan + map and detail | Motorcycle Touring 2022

I prepared the whole plane for you with places, map and stops, were to stay and eat and visit with useful information about journey in Kashan. LetsGetLost

It was a 3 to 6 days trip from Tehran to Kashan in Spring. Best time to visit Kashan in my opinion is from February to May. Rest of the time is soo hot or so cold there. It depend on you how many days you spend on each place. In this trip my co-traveler and I traveled with my motorbike as a motor touring trip and we had so much fun. here is some useful information for you in case of traveling to Iran, Kashan.

About Kashan

Kashan is a warm and dry city which is located in the middle of a big desert and one of the most important cities of Isfahan providence. You will see some of most beautiful and historical places which reflect Iran culture.

Important point is specially in Iran, cities that are located around the deserts, encouraged the culture and traditions and also art and philosophy. You can find authenticity in these cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Natanz, Abiyaneh and Kashan itself.

I takes at least 2 or 3 days for you to visit Kashan perfectly. Once you step in the city, you will see there are so much to see and feel. You also be more relaxed and away from modern world anxiety.

Note: Kashan is a religious (Islamic) city. I mean the people themselves still prefer to keep their believes in Kashan. So don’t worry you will find them so kind and friendly until you don’t disrespect their believes. Just try to adopt with them a little. About your clouts, just a normal Iranian clouts with a scarf for covering your hair. Not so tight, just respect the city atmosphere.

Necessary thing you need in Kashan

  • Sunglasses
  • Water bottle (or buy water ther)
  • Son creams
  • Mobile with points in map
  • proper clouts (not so tight)
  • Courage and curiosity…

You even don’t need a car for most of the points. You have access to them with in walking distances.

What to eat in kashan?

Try very new food in Iran. You won’t regret. In Kashan you can eat Rise and kebabs, Ash, Kashani meat and beans, Abgusht etc.

Don’t forget to get “Golab”. It’s a liquid extracted from flower called “Mohamadi” and Kashan is the center of Golab. Teast it in tee.

Daily map for visiting Kashan!

Here is all points in good order based on days that we visited in Kashan. You can follow them too.

Day 1

  1. Tehran to Kashan, Hostel
  2. Aminoddole Caravanserai (Timche) (better to go in day light)
  3. Agha Bozorg Mosque (better to go afternoon)

Then rest for next day…

Here is the map for day 1 in Kashan:

Tehran to Kashan, Iran | Day 1, Motorcycle Touring 2022
Kashan, Agha Bozorg Mosque | Day 2, Motorcycle Touring 2022

Day 2

Second day has the most topnotch places to visit and also you need to walk a bit more. Make sure you well-rested and have water and candy with yourself.

  1. Mahinestan Raheb Hotel (its a hotel, you can visit there and also book a room)
  2. Abbasian Historical House (a very big castel to visit)
  3. Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse (make sure visit the roof too)
  4. **Have your lunch by noon at Mozaffari Traditional Restaurant
  5. Borujerdi House (wow)
  6. Tabatabaei Historical House (woow)
  7. Puppet Museum House (visit the basement, ancient Puppet collection)
  8. House of Lucie (it’s a art museum, go there afternoon to relax yourself with art and calm atmosphere there)
Kashan, Abbasian Historical House | Day 3, Motorcycle Touring 2022
Kashan, Borujerdi House, Tabatabaei Historical House | Day 4, Motorcycle Touring 2022
Kashan, Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse | Day 4, Motorcycle Touring 2022

Here is the map for Kashan day 2:

Day 3

You can skip this day if you are not interested in old history. You need a card this day.

  1. Noushabad Underground City (it is an underground city which used to be safe place for people of Kashan. It is located 5 km north of Kashan. It’s a 1500 years old place.)
  2. Sialk Archeological Hills (More than 8000 years old one of the oldest human civilization)
  3. you need to have your lunch and rest a little the. then continue
  4. Taj Historical House
  5. Ehsan Tradational Hotel (it is a traditional hotel too)
  6. Yasin Historical House

Here is the map for Kashan day 3:

Day 4, Abyane Village

Let’s go to the weird, special, red and stared village in Kashan, Isfahan which called Abyaneh Red Village. You need a card or motorcycle and drive/ride around one hour to go to the Abyaneh village. There are lots of hostel and hotels, no worries. In day light try to wander around and walk in its alleys and its mosque. Sit there and spend some quality time with yourself. You can see people lifestyle in person. Talk to them, they are kind people. After that you can go cross side of the village that you have view to the village houses. You will also find yourself in the middle of gardens with fresh flowers. Walk and smell…

Kashan, Abyaneh | Day 5, Motorcycle Touring 2022
Kashan, Abyaneh second day | Day 5 overall, Motorcycle Touring 2022

Here is the map for Kashan day 4:

Day 5, Fin Garden

If you want to back to north of Iran for example Tehran, you can visit Fin Garden in the last day on the way back to Tehran. But if you want to go to Isfahan and other cities, visit Fin Garden when you want to leave Kashan to Abyaneh. Depends on your preference. But don’t miss this garden. Why?

When you step inside this garden you see lots of tree (in fact more than 570 Pinophyta trees) and water stream which is all around the garden and that is amazing because you are in the middle of a big DESERT! You will see in the video. They have managed underground waters to the garden amazingly!

There is also another reason that makes this garden so special which is Fin Bathroom. This bathroom is famous because they murdered Amir Kabir one of the grates prime ministers in whole Iran history in this bathroom. If you are interested to know about him, you can find books and also a persian series called “سریال امیرکبیر”.

Fin Garden in Kashan | Day 6, Motorcycle Touring 2022

Here is the map for Kashan day 5:

If you have any question about traveling to Iran or about motorcycle touring, or if you are interested in having a ride with me (even if it's your first time) sometime, just let me know here. I would be glad to meet new people and take adveture trip with them into the unknown.