First time to Iran?

You must know this before traveling to Iran?!! Hijab? Risks? Safety?

You maybe have heard about that how beautiful and feasible is Iran to visit? Maybe Iran is unknown to you and you are not sure how is the situation in Iran for foreigner? You maybe have some questions about where to stay, what to wear, how is the prices, when is better to travel to Iran and were to go and visit in Iran?

I’m Salar and love to travel and satisfy my curiosity specially with motorcycle and new people to unknown places. I’ll answer many of your frequently asked questions below and you can ask me more if you have any question left here

Useful Information in Iran

Here is address + location pin + phone number of all countries’ embassies in Iran that you may need: List of Embassies

FAQ about traveling to Iran


Religion: Islam

Language: Farsi (Mostly) (also Turkish, Kurdish, Lorish, Arabic, North languages, Khorasani, Baluchi and many other languages and accents)

Time zone: UTC + 3.5

Driving side: Right

Voltage: 220 V / 50 Hz types C, F

Dual Nationality in Iran?

  • They say Iran government does not recognize dual nationalities same as other countries. It’s important for you to get consultation from your officials before traveling to Iran.

Opposition Contents?

  • Based on the Law here, any Anti-Iranian, Anti-Iran, Anti-Islamic contents are forbidden.

Drones, Helishots, Quadqupters?

  • Any type of flyers camera or other high-speed flyers are forbidden here unless you get the permission from Civil Aviation Organization and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Is photography forbidden?

  • Come on! Why?! No its not forbidden. Millions of Instagram users in Iran are publishing their content. You can take photo or videos everywhere unless you see a sight of “Forbidden Photography” which are mostly army places. Rest of the country including cities, grand markets, streets, nature etc you are free to take photos and videos.

Where to get visa?

  • You need to find a traveling agency in your country who works with Iran too. They can get a 30 days Visa for you with in 3 or 4 working days with the price of less than $30 normally. It is not possible to get and e-Visa now a days but its not hard to get Iran’s Visa.
  • According to the government, Israel citizens or people have travelled in to Israel and have its stamp on their passport can’t get into Iran.

Where to find a hostel in Iran?

  • Just simply search in Hostelworld or Tripadviser or HostelClub and other valid sites. Iranian Hostels are listed there for big cities. If you needed a hostel in some places and you could not fine any option, just contact me and I’ll help you. You can find hostels on this site too.
  • Dou to hight rate of internal tourism in Iran, you will see a lot of Iranian people in your hostel. That is a good opportunity to get to know them more and ask for their cities and cultures.

When travel to Iran? Weather & Climate

  • Iran is a four season country and you can travel to deferent places in deferent seasons. Generally speaking, best time for traveling to Iran is around Spring here which is between February to May with is around spring here. Everywhere is good. Iran is a four season country and you can go somewhere in all seasons and enjoy it.
  • If you want to visit South of Iran such as Bandar Abbas and its islands such as Hormoz, Hengam, Qeshm, Kish, Bushehr etc best time is October to March. There are no such ancient building (there are but not so many) but you go there to enjoy the atmosphere, warm people, great sun and see, beautiful islands and wandering around.
  • If you want to visit middle of Iran such as Tehran, Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd best time is Spring February to May, specially during Nowruz holydays. These are some how cities with desert theme but all of Iranian Art and cultures mostly come from these cities. You know limitation makes you innovative and creative. They did not have as resources as people in other cities, so they became artist and spiritual. These are all must seen places.
  • If you wans to visit North of Iran and its green jungles best time is between April to August. I personally say you can go to north of Iran literally in all seasons and enjoy. But from middle of Spring and beginning of summer is best time. All the jungles and Caspian sea and beautiful sea lines are located there.
  • If you want to visit North West such as Tabriz, Orumie, Azarbiyejan best time is between June to September. Because these cities are a bit cooler compare to other cities in north and its better to go there in summer. You can see jungles with mountains there.
  • If you wans to visit West and South West of Iran such as Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Ilam, Hamedan, Qazvin, Lorestan, Khuzestan best time is between February to May which is Spring too. Kurdistan is also a mountainy city with famous villages and cool people and nature and summer end spring and begging go summer (April to August) is best time to go there.
  • If you travel in spring to any destination in Iran, make sure you bring warm and cool cloths because the weather is not stable in that time.

Diverse culture of Iran

  • Friedrich Hegel at the end of his book “Lectures on the Philosophy of History” said something like: “Iran’s culture is like a host to all cultures that let them come inside its culture and stay but Iran keeps his culture too.”
  • As you may know there are many different cultures and languages in Iran living together. Fars, Turkish, Kurdish, Lor, South people, Arab, Khorasan etc. They all have their own cultures and traditions and when you travel to those cities you will see many new thing unique to that area.
  • Kindness and hospitality is another feather in Iranian’s DNS. No matter where and when if you need help, there would be some people consider helping you anyway. They even let you stay at their home if you need and give you food even if they are poor.
  • Feeling safe is another thing that tourism say about Iran specially motorbike travelers. I say not in big cities like Tehran, but most of other cities wow you can leave your things and go and back in many places. (Don’t do that there are some possibilities but I’ve done that a lot)
  • People in Iran think a bit more complicated than European. I don’t know why but if you read Iranian philosophy or literature in Farsi or Arabic, you may feel its endless twist and turns. It has advantages and disadvantages too.
  • Ancient History and civilization source in Iran is something known for you I guess.
  • Tarof is also very usual here. For example they want something but they don’t say at the first because of the respect they have for others. Sometimes its too much but it is not lying, its about being respectful. For example you go to buy cloths, you choose and want to pay. Everyone you hear this: “Ghabel Nadare” means “its nothing you can take it for free” but if you accept that they mostly will get mad because the don’t mean it. They are just being kind and respectful to you.
  • And many many other things you need to read more.

Having an Iranian friend?

  • It is so crucial to have an Iranian friend and ask them for some help. You can find them on the social media and most of them in Younger generation can speak English fluently and they are so hospitable to help you.
  • Also you can ask me any of your question and I will answer you or be there for having a travel together of I’m not in a journey myself. I would be glad to make new friends always and help them in Iran. Contact me here

What yo wear in Islamic Iran?

  • This is an Islamic country with its own principals right now. For preventing challenges, for women its better to wear cloths like Iranian women here while you are in Iran. For example pants + long dress + scarf. You can easily search in google for normal Iranian women clouthing
  • For men, just wear pants and t-shirts. Its fine.

What to eat?

  • People from all around the word, not only you don’t have any problem about food here, but also they will love Iranian food. I promises. Just eat famous food of each city you go that I mentioned in each city posts. Kabab, Ghorme, Gheime, Juje, Ash, kuku, Sohan, Ghotab, Gaz, Iranian fish, Iranian rise etc..
  • If you are vegetarian like me, it’s a bit challenging because there are not many vegetarian restaurant here. But you can eat rise and tomato in most places. Otherwise you need to cook youself!

Where to visit?

  • I have many videos on my YouTube channel and detail information on my site that you can find detailed plan with map and all information you need.

What if something bad happened for me in Iran?

  • When you come to Iran, you will be shocked that how friendly and hospitable are Iranian people. You will fell safe and adopted soon. Bad events can be happened in any countries and best place to go is the Police offices and You country’s Embassy office. Or you can contact in just in case.

How to take taxi and commute in Iran?

  • It’s easy same as other countries too. You can take a cap in online app in Iran, or ask your hostel to take a taxi for you or take a taxi easily in the street (but not at night and alone)

What if I get sick?

  • Fortunately Iran has a good health service with many hospitals all around the country same as other countries. You will find a hospital in nearby for sure. No worries.
  • You can take advantages of drug stores too.

How to get sim-card and Internet and VPN?

  • When you come to Iran, you need to have an Iranian sim-card (you can buy very cheap). Then you charge it for example 10GB for 2 month. Then you good to go. But Since there is a serious filtering in Iran, you don’t have direct access to many sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp etc. You just need to buy a VPN from anywhere you want. Nothing more!

Where to find guide or friend in Iran?

  • I’m not a guide, I just like to travel with new people just for fun not as my accusation or for money at all. If you like, you can contact me.
  • Other wise, everywhere you go you will see many friendly people who want to talk to you in English and help you out for sure. Don’t worry and just ask them.
  • You can find friends in you hostel too. Specially if you come to Iran in Nowruz holidays.

Do people speak English?

  • In young generation, mostly yes. Depends on the city you are in. In older generation unfortunately not so much but some of them yes. But mostly when you ask for help in street or in your hostel, you will fine friendly people who speaks English and help you.

What is Iran currency?

  • There are 2 currencies in Iran. Sound strange but wait. The official currency is “Rial” and the currency people use and mostly call is “Toman”.
  • 1 Toman is equal to 10 Rials.
  • You can check its rate online and only change your money in trusted places such as valid exchanges, in your hostel or your known friend. You don’t need much money here, Iran is not an expensive country for tourists.

Where to change money?

  • The most reliable and working solution is MAH CARD. You can come to Iran and register a card there with reasonable price (now $19) (in cache or other payments they have). Then they will send you an active registered card under your name to your hostel or any other address. You can charge your card with cache currency of your country or you can use Wise service to pay online and get Rial in your MAH CARD. Its so simple just read their website. Its easy and you can ask their support if you needed. believe me do this option anyway. Otherwise you are gonna have headache.
  • Valid exchanges which the first one is at the airport and there are other exchangers in (normally big) cities such as Tehran. NOTE: airport exchanges sometimes don’t give you more than $50 change and they say it take 3 days for you to register your visa and change for you more.
  • In your hostel, ask manager of the hostel
  • With your Iranian friends if you have any.
  • People come to you and want to change your money at the airport or other places in Iran. I’m not suggesting you to trust them unless you know them. Iranian money is changing all the time to Dollar rate (duo to economical difficulties) and you need to get up-to-second rate. is of the the reliable websites that normally foreigners use for this purpose.

Iranian Simcard

  • When you get to the airport, you can find Irancell or Hamraavval agencies to buy a simcard. Unfortunately I’ve heard from some of foreigner friends who faced some difficulties to get the simcard recently and I don’t know why. But mostly they give it to you.
  • Otherwise you can ask your Iranian friend to give you a temporary simcard.

VPN and Internet Connection

  • First option is free WiFi which is only available at the airport and most of the hostels.
  • Second option if Mobile data internet if you own an Iranian simcard.
  • Dou to some political decisions, the government filtered many websites specially social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp etc recently. So you need a VPN for accessing those applications. You can download free VPNs online by a google search. Also you can buy one from your country or anywhere else. Just make sure your VPN is working. Using VPN is not a criminal here and in fact everybody has one.

How to take a taxi or commute?

  • Officials at the airport or Taxi agencies can take taxi for you.
  • You can go outside and just bring your thumbs up and say “Taxi” and when they stop (even they don’t speak English) tell them the name of your destination in Persian and done. Just remember fix the price of your trip first. Deal with them first then step into their cars.
  • Ask your hostel’s staff to do that for you.
  • Uber does not work here but there are Iranian applications called and but they are only available in Persian language and Iranian currency. It depends on you that can use it or not.

Criminals and Safety

  • Based on the Law here, any Anti-Iranian, Anti-Iran, Anti-Islamic contents are forbidden.
  • Using, selling, Buying drugs of any kind are forbidden here and sometimes had death punishment. Smoking cigarette is fine.
  • Sexual activities based on the law and atmosphere of religious people (not all people): Doing any kind of sexual activities in public if forbidden not only by police also by some people. You can hold your partner’s hand and walk on the street but can not kiss on lips. Also same-sex activities specially Gays are so forbidden here (I don’t know why!).

Dress Code and Hijab (according to government)

  • For me its easy they should wear at least a T-shirt and normal pants (not shorts).
  • For women they should wear long sleeves blues + normal pants (not shorts) and head scarf. That is all. You can use a big sweater and head scarf and come to Iran and buy some clothe here with cheap price. No worries, its is not like what you saw on media. Just search for Iran streets on YouTube.

Emergency Numbers:

  • 110 Police
  • 115 EMS
  • 125 Firefighters

Tourism attraction


  • Ramadan is a religious month in Islam that people don’t eat or during or smoke from sunrise to sunset and they pry more and be better person. They try to be away from material life and basic needs and be more close to god and spiritual things.
  • In this month, eating and drinking in public places are criminals but not too much. Not all people here do these rituals. You can eat or during in private places or even some open restaurants if Ramadan is in Nowruz (Ramadan is Arabic and Arabic calendar is changing every year. in 2024 Ramadan is in Nowruz but 10 years ago it was in our summer)

If you have any question about traveling to Iran or about motorcycle touring, or if you are interested in having a ride with me (even if it's your first time) sometime, just let me know here. I would be glad to meet new people and take adveture trip with them into the unknown.